About the Journal


Serbian Journal of Engineering Management is a scientific journal, published by School of Engineering Management and Serbian Society of Engineering Management.

The publication is dedicated to the wide scope of themes associated to engineering management and industrial engineering (aim and scope) and is published semiannualy.

The Journal is categorized by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development, and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia.

Editorial board is consisted of distinguished academics from various countries dedicated to establishing the highest academic standards and promoting engineering management principles.

The papers are presented in English.

All published journal volumes are archived in the Digital Repository of the National Library of Serbia and simultaneously deposited in the SCIndex Repository - Serbian Citation Index as the primary full-text database.

Published articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license. The work is allowed to be copied and distributed in all media and formats, to be adapted, modified and upgraded for any purpose, including commercial ones, provided that its original authors are properly cited, a link to the original license is placed and it is indicated that whether the work has been modified.